Monday, January 14, 2013

Busy Girls

We had a frosty weekend morning recently, so they bundled up in their Abomidable Snowman Gear and made some fun (sans actual snow) in the yard. Rolling was the trick of the day. It was also fun to play in the ice, until they learned how it sticks to knit gloves. And it's cold!

Later, Mom finally made good on the promise to set up the little kitchen and other assorted toys in the Playroom (which was being saved for use as a bedroom....there's really a bed in there somewhere). Sheesh - there is just too much stuff!  But they sure had a good time reacquanting with toys, and they actually played together for a  long time.

Check out the phone in Miri's back pocket. All yoga pants should have pockets for such needs, eh??

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