Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Seems to be a glitch in the photo upload process recently, so I'm not sure this will post properly, but we're trying anyway....

Miri was watching the moon each morning as it changed phase after being full. She pointed up and said, "Mom! The moon! But hey, what happened to the other half of it?"

Mommy took a big doggie (OK, not a doggie) for a walk up the hill, just for a little time together. This roany pony blends in well, camoflauged with all that dirt.

This is a close-up of one of the graphics in the wallpaper in the shop bathroom. It's got car- and highway-themed elements on it. This one in particular grabbed my attention the first time I saw it, months ago. It was providence. Friends from Pendleton will surely see why.

Cuties playing in the bathtub.

JuicyBear found a cozy place to hang out while Daddy smarted with his phone.

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