Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Christmas Review 2012

We had a little snow, but it came a week early and didn't stay. The only picture taken was from inside the car at Miri's school. Check out the big flakes!

My brother-in-law, Mike, checking out what's in the bar. We had some nice eats and great visitin'! Not enough picture-taking, but we'll see what GrammaBon got on her (film) camera.

This is my hastily-snapped proof that all 6 cousins were together on Christmas Day.  (We know this was Christmas Day, because Santa brought Miri the requested Spider Girl costume).

Took advantage of a little daylight time together for a chilly walk up the hill.

Thank you to Holly & Jon for the crowns...

...and books!!

Made homemade pizza one night, customized to each person's delight.

Non-sequitur shot....Arby has a weird affiliation with Spiffy. Or vice versa. Seems that Spiffy is no longer the Alpha Dog.

Burning up energy on the bikes.

Mt. Jefferson, directly to the east of the house. An unusually clear day made for some nice views during a New Year's Day walk on the hill.

Three Sisters.

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