Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Fall Visit to the Mountains

We made a fast trip to EO to pick up a new horse (more on that soon!), so we have a few pics to share. We ate twice at Rooster's, which proved to work out great - got in and out with a trailer, they were open when we needed them (can't say the same for McDonald's! grrrr), and the food was tasty and reasonably priced. So it all worked out. Traveling with hungry kiddos is a challenge, so we need good rest breaks!

GrammaBon got them new R-Up sweatshirts, which were immediately put to good use! The weather was amazing....crisp, chilly mornings, but the bright sun warmed things up. Of course, I made them look directly into the sun for the picture, so all you see are squinty-faces.

This was a big curiosity we saw on one of our walks. It's a toadstool mushroom, upside down, nestled in the branch of a tree. WHT? GrammaBon releaved that the elk are known to toss them around like playthings! Totally makes sense....horses have similar play too.

A group of 5 wild turkeys turn up each evening, and they were right on schedule! GrammaBon had just mused that it was about time for the gobblers to show up, and about 2 minutes later, they paraded through the yard and into the meadow on their evening route.

The weather began to turn, and Sunday night brought a dip in the temp. Monday morning there was a dusting of snow! (photos courtesy GrammaBon)

What a nice trip it was!

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