Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Pumpkin Patch, Harvest Carnival, and Halloween Prep

Miri and a friend from school, having fun in their annual pumpkin patch visit.

Picking a doozie.

Bean bag toss at the Harvest Carnival at Aleaha's school.

Whack-a-Ghost, such fun!

Aleaha loved it too....until she broke the whacking stick. Woops! Kid doesn't know her own strength....

Face painting is always a hit.

Fantastic miniature Snow White.

She was very happy with her horse.

They earned a bunch of trinkets, including these awful things. Uck.

Here's proof that I really did let them work on their own pumpkins.

Pumpkin guts. Yum! (well, it is for the piggies, anyway!)

Aleaha was disappointed that hers (on the left) didn't look as "funny" as she was picturing in her mind. Ah, not the last time the dissonance between one's vision and one's reality will cause trouble.

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