Saturday, November 2, 2013


They both wanted to wanted to wear the same costumes as last year. YES - love the re-use idea! Miri had 2 days worth of Halloween-related activities at school, so she had plenty of dress-up opportunities. Under her costume, she was a black cat.

Aleaha went to mommy's workplace for some creepy fun and more candy-gathering.

Once again, as country kids without a neighborhood, we were able to raid our friend Holly's neighborhood. Very fun! (and we did some pay-it-forward candy drop-off to offset our take of loot)

She was a little miffed that people would tell her that her dress was "pretty", because she was going for "scary".

We chose not to wear any face paint this year, because last year their faces scared a small child answering the door. (That, and it's a total mess to deal with! ;) )

Successful haul! She was asleep within two block's of leaving Holly's house for the ride home. Still has a grip on that candy, though!

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