Thursday, November 28, 2013

Cat Antics

Juice likes to sit on boxes.
Got a box? Need it held down? He's your man.

He's also available to help wake up sleeping children. Miri was asleep unusually late one naptime, and we had to rouse her. Juicy-on-the-spot!

He can hold down a railing or banister too. He's so multifunctional that way. 

Smokey was allowed in for a little while, to practice becoming an indoor cat. He was very curious about the exceptionally quiet and still black-and-white cat. (Ahem, "stuffed animal" might sound a little harsh and even morbid in this household).

Cinder has the process down pat.....come in, lay down, and sleep for awhile. Try not to make too much trouble or be too obvious. Cuteness helps get the door opened more often. Orneriness and jumping on the table doesn't.

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