Thursday, November 28, 2013

A Quiet Thanksgiving

We celebrated Thanksgiving a few weeks early this year, so that we could have Gramma Patty join us. She's going through some therapy right now that makes it difficult to join us for dinner, and we are really glad we got to see her then.

She came out to the house a few times for dinner, and of course brought special little gifts for the girls and sit and entertained them.
So, the "actual" Thanksgiving this year was a little subdued and quiet. Not that that's bad - it's always good to have a little calmness and a break from the usual chaos.
It was a chilly morning, but so beautiful.

There was ice on the pond!

MammaLlamma has taken to laying just under one of the feeders, so she's completely covered with hay.

She's very affectionate and has to have a hug and kiss everyday!
If there's pie dough to be made, there are 2 little girls clamoring to help.
Very fun.

Egg wash applied just a little too heavily made for a lovely way to glue the tidbits forever to the baking sheet. Good thing daddy has chisels and such.

With the easier pace of this holiday, it was really nice to be able to make some pies from scratch. Pumpkin isn't on daddy's favorites list, so he was spoiled with a couple of "One-Apple Pies".

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