Monday, October 14, 2013

Cats, Cats, Everywhere

 I haven't blogged much about it, but that one little gray kitty who walked on the scene turned into three little kitties! The gray kitten who appeared one day in August seemed to replicate itself, when "another Smokey" appeared alongside him the next week! She was named "Cinder," and pink and blue collars will quickly used to help us tell the difference. And then, while on the four-wheeler one evening, Chris saw another cat down near the highway ditch. Oh no! Clearly, he was a brother, and they were happy to all be united again. He became "Black Jack", or just Jack. They are quite the team.    

They sleep together, but Jack is especially mischievious.

I was trying to get them all to look at me for a picture, so I was making kissing noises. A nanosecond after this picture, Jack had jumped  up on my shoulder!

Smokey caught a snake. You gotta make your own fun 'round these parts. (Now, I would have prefered that he caught a mouse....)

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