Monday, September 14, 2009

Round-Up Ready

It's the second full week in September, which, for those of us with ties to Eastern Oregon, means Round-Up!

We will be going to visit later in the week. Aleaha can hardly wait -- keeps asking if it's time to go yet. In anticipation, we did a little Western Photoshoot. Couldn't manage to get both girls in one photo together, so had to do them separately (Miri just can't sit up straight in the saddle yet, but it won't be long!)

For grins, here is a similar shot of Aleaha from three years ago. Hey, we're gettin' lots of mileage out of those outfits!


Liliana said...

Oh. My. God. I LOOOOVE that outfit!! I am sooooo excited to meet Miri!

jcbettineski said...

Can't wait to see you guys!!

Felice Luftschein said...

Wow! They are both adorable and Miri has gotten so big already! That outfit is the cutest little thing ever...