Monday, November 16, 2009

Misc. and Sundry Stuff

This is not an organized post with a topical sentence and cohesive message (how many of mine are??). Just a few pics from the last week or so.

Saw this poster in the hallway at Aleaha's school last week. Her statement caught my eye....

Aaaww. Cool. Of course, the next one's going to be for Dad. (Please remember, Sweedie, her first word was "Dada!")

Making crescent rolls on Saturday morning. She's such a big helper! (And who doesn't love those things!?)

We took a little drive as a fam up to Marys Peak on Saturday. Someone fell asleep in the back seat on the way back down. Aaahhh, peace. :)

Doing chores around the yard on Saturday. Gotta be bundled up!

Daddy put a lightbulb into the chicken house, to help them produce more eggs over the wintertime (and for warmth at night).

The light is on a timer. Here's the view from the front of the chicken house. The windows are like eyes and the door is a mouth. Almost creepy!

Aleaha likes to use Daddy's seal-a-meal in the garage. (He uses it to package clean engine parts to send back to customers.)

Not a very clear shot, but that bald spot on Miri is a good testament to the Back-to-Sleep campaign.

I took the girls for a Bob-stroll at Bald Hill on Sunday. Good workout for Mommy (and I'm feeling it in the shins on Monday!). It was good to stride out a bit and get some air. Need more of that.

1 comment:

jcbettineski said...

Hey Shell- my blog list isn't updating either- not sure what's up with that. Love the new pics- looking forward to seeing you guys soon for X-mas :)