Monday, April 5, 2010

Bound to happen at some point

The other day, I was in a local department store, sans children. It was a very rare ocassion -- rare to be in a department store, and rare to be without kids, so this was truly an alignment of the stars. I happened to be buying children's clothing (it's where the money goes, ya know?). I took the items to the clerk and we struck up a friendly conversation while she scanned my items. And then it happened: She said what I knew someone was going to say to me at some point....

"Oh, I'm sure your granddaughter will love these pretty little things."

GULP. My granddaughter!

To be sure, I did correct her, "Actually, these things are for my two daughters." (Afterall, I was purchasing things in size 9 months and size 4T, so it was pretty apparent there were two kids involved, I thought. She could have at least gotten the pluralism correct.)

And after taking a moment to soak it in and maybe do a little math in her head, she apologized profusely. I thought it was just kinda funny.



Felice Luftschein said...

Not! That's because she's used to teen parents.

Liliana said...

Yeah, not funny! Some people... Grr. Reminds me of a good friend of mine when she went to Costco with her six week old baby and the cashier asked, "when are you due?"