Sunday, April 18, 2010

Watching the Drags, Playing, etc.

We've had some fun times lately (exhausting, but good). Here's a photographic catch-up...

We went to the track to watch Daddy's first race of the season. It was loud, stinky, and a little tiring, but good to see the Chili Pepper team in action. Here's Aleaha and Daddy in a special moment.

Miss Miri is a Baby Driver too. She knows what steering wheels are for!

And here's a shot of Aleaha from three years ago, the same event (Woodburn's Tulip Festival Drags). Have you got dejavu yet??

Miri has a little yogurt smoothy snack.

Miri was loving the whole thing ('cept Mommy covering her ears, of course). She stayed awake as long as possible, and then just couldn't hold out any longer.

Aleaha pushes Miri on the swing. Mommy's lovin' it!!!

Miri enjoys the heck out of ho-ho. Oh yes, the girl knows treats.

Aleaha didn't take a nap at school one day, then fell asleep in the care on the way home. We tried to wake her for dinner, but she was behaving like an alien. So we put her in her bed, and she stayed asleep the whole night. Her lesson: Make sure you take a nap at school, or else you might miss dinner!

Miri is not exactly liking tummy time. She's on the edge of crawling, but she gets pretty frustrated.

Aleaha cuts strawberries for breakfast one Saturday morning....

And of course she has to sample a few along the way.

Aleaha wanted to learn how to wash dishes. "Uh, sure, you can do that!," Mommy exclaimed. Of course, it's a bit o' work to get her set up, but she did a nice job. And it kept her occupied for 15 minutes, so Mommy could run up and down the stairs to put in some laundry. Sheesh, these chores are exhausting!


LittleBitOfSunshine said...

I love that Double Mint photo of the 2 girls. It's amazing to see how alike they look!

Liliana said...

Behaving like an alien... boy do I know that one. Maybe I have a permanent alien in my house.