Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Misc. and Sundry

Aleaha got a LiteBrite as an early birthday present. She and Daddy wasted no time getting right into it.

Took a Bob-stroll last weekend. Or, call it a Bob-push -- much more work with an extra 35 pounds sitting on the front. Aleaha takes a rest, but Miri kicks her and pulls her hair the whole time, so lately Aleaha's been thinking maybe it's better to walk!

On that stroll, we saw the largest slithering bit of wildlife I have ever seen here in the Valley. Thank heavens Aleaha was riding on the Bob at this point, cuz it was basically a Salma Hayek Snake Moment for her.

Given that A's birthday is on a Wednesday, we had to prep her birthday cake in stages. Sunday: make and freeze cakes. Monday: make frosting. Tuesday: defrost-n-frost cakes. Wednesday: eat!

Miri on the 4-wheeler and Aleaha on the little car.
No caption needed.
Mrs. Jones decided to take a nap in the toy box. Crazy - Miri decided it was fun to play there too.
We got to visit Daddy at the track for "Fire and Thunder." It was, unfortunately, a case of Hurry Up and Wait. We were waiting with him in the staging lane for quite a while.

Miss Miri had fun playing in Gary & Jeanie's travel trailer.
Bath time is a lot of fun. A lot of work, but fun too.

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