Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Critters and Kids

Mrs. Jones lays claim to the little table on the back patio.

We took advantage on Sunday of a sunny break to go for a Bob stroll.

I remember doing a lot of this as a kid -- reading the cereal box while eating. Funny to see her doing it too.

One night last week, while Daddy was away for the evening, Mommy got brave (I was going to say "lazy," but brave is a better word) and took the girls to Izzy's for dinner. This shot captures the time -- Aleaha talking a mile a minute with some story, and Miri-Yell doing her thing. Maybe that's why Miri yells so much. As #2, she already has intense competition for vocal time.

Cute little tree frog on a feed bag down in the barn.

1 comment:

Liliana said...

Love that pic where they are both gabbing away. Just another relaxing dinner with the kids, huh??