Monday, June 28, 2010

What a Wonderful Weekend

It was an amazing weekend -- a true escape from the work week and a reminder of what it means to be a family.

Saturday morning we kicked things off with breakfast out at a local cafe. Then, we took a family stroll/ride on a favorite nearby trail. Daddy had never been there before. We took Aleaha's bike
and the Bob.

Daddy pushed Miri in the Bob, while Mommy wrangled Aleaha on the bike (using a dog leash to make sure she didn't go too fast, because she hasn't quite learned to break yet).

Later in the day, we filled Aleaha's pool and had a little fun-in-the-sun.

"Hey, Mom, Miri's putting stuff in my pool!"

Miri had fun too, even if Mommy wouldn't let her get in the water. And oh boy, was she unhappy when it was time to leave this wonderful fun environment to go take an afternoon nap. The girl can throw a fit!

But she can also be a cutie.
On Sunday, Mommy & Daddy got a chance to go on a fantastic trail ride. But that deserves a post of its own! :)


PJ said...

The Miller family sure knows how to have a good time! Darling pix :)

Liliana said...

Ahhh... Sounds wonderful!! Good for you guys. Family walks are a must for us on the weekends. Jack loves to run on the trail and it gives Mom and Dad a chance to chat, somewhat uninterrupted!