Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Beach

We made a day's get-away to the coast recently. We enjoyed a little food, a visit to the sea lions, a stop at the candy shop, and of course, the beach!

We took a kite with us, as there's always wind to fuel it.

This shot summarizes most of what Daddy and Aleaha did -- he flew the kite, while she rolled around in the sand.

Daddy's keen observation: "It's a lot easier to unwind the string than wind it up again."

Aleaha did lots of body the sand.

Miri was in the backpack for quite a while, but I knew she'd love it once I let her down. I also knew it would be a challenge to keep an eye on her! Here she keeps an eye on Daddy's kite. Note Aleaha in the background, rolling in the sand.

Miri used her sister's shoes to scoop sand. Atta girl, makin' do.

Aah, the tactile learning experiences.

The weather was amazing - warmer than I expected, so we eventually peeled some layers. And Aleaha decided it was time to investigate the water. We let the waves get our feet wet just a couple of times, and then retreated to the puddles back in the sand.

Off went Miri's hat...

...and on her face went lots of sand!

It was a struggle to get a shot of three of them.

Miri was fun to watch toddle about the sand and puddles. She was soaking wet afterwards. But wasn't that the whole point?