Thursday, July 26, 2012

Linn County Fair

It was fair time for our neighboring county, and we are all about county fairs. We bee-lined for the ponies, first thing. (The expression on the pony-leading-kid's face is unexplainable....what in the world is he doing?)

Miri had a grand time. Aleaha began to wonder why she had the Weirdo Wrangler Kid walking with her pony. Totally not necessary, because, as she said, "Where could that pony have gone, anyway, Mom?"

Next up was the airplane ride. They could both go together, and it seemed to meet their expectations. Aleaha was clearly not quite as thrilled as Miri or as much as she was for this ride three years ago and two years ago.

This shot is a reminder of what happens when you try to use a camera with too much shutter lag and you don't predict how far in advance you have to depress the button before you will actually capture a view. You get a shot of the airplane behind the ones your own kids are sitting in. Nice. But this shot also serves as a preview to the "ride" they wanted to head to next....that giant structure in the background with the wo towers, the wooden swing bridges, and the long tube slide. Here's what happened there...

They started out together.

Aleaha was showing Miri how to get going.

Aleaha scrambles up the rope-ramp pretty easily, but Miri decides this isn't her cuppa entertainment. Fortunately, the Really Nice Ride Attendant refunded Miri's ticket. 

Aleaha kept going. And going. It was a little hard to watch.

Miri suggested they go instead on the motorcycles...

...and the cars. (Yes, Daddy, you have a speed-baby.)

Aleaha spent her last ticket on her overall fave, the classic carousel.

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