Thursday, July 12, 2012

Miss M's Birthday

Can you guess how old she is now??
(and FYI, that's red marker on her fingers, not blood)

Mommy can't believe how the time has flown by. Three is definitely a cross-over age. Of course each year - each week! - there are marked changes in development. But this is a big milestone, when a child really moves from "baby" to "big kid". Just think about all that toy packaging: "Small parts. Not for children under 3." Well, bring it on now, man, cuz this one is officially over the bridge.

Her birthday fell on a Sunday, and we happened to be minus one child in our household because Aleaha spent extra time with the fam in EO. And it was really hot. And we were super bizzy. So we downsized the b-day cake routine -- Mommy added some sprinkles and white frosting writing to a storebought cake. It looked a bit scary. More like Halloween-drippy-writing. But was tasty.

We have video of the singing and candle-blowing, but there was also a lot of spitting involved, and then some interesting parental voice-over to accompany that. That part is not going on the internet!

On Monday she got to have a repeat b-day celebration at school, complete with candles. Very special!

And the requisite shot of sugar for all kiddos.... oh boy!

Miri and her classmates as the sugar was being doled out. Surely they were stuck to the ceiling and walls apres-cupcake.

It's bittersweet. My baby is growing up. I still need lots of neck-snuggles. I want to smell the baby's skin again. And rock her. And sing to her. I don't care if it spoils her. She will always be my baby. My last.


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