Monday, July 9, 2012

A Week in the Land of Sun and Dust

We were able to spend some time with family, and this long post is a collection of shots from a couple of cameras. What a great time!

Before we left, Aleaha helped keep Jake happy while the horseshoer was working on Arby. Had to make sure we were ready for the trip!

While there, we celebrated several birthdays. One day, Aunt Jodi arranged for a cake for Aleaha and Miri. 

We took up all three horses, so there was lots and lots of riding.

In addition to the super-duper pens Grandpa built for the horses, we also made a nice pasture for them in the meadow. This made for very happy horses!

Spiffy was dog tired. He is really aging, and after some nervousness about him being around GrammaBon's cats, we agreed to give him the freedom he craved. He proved to finally be a good that he's just about all used up.

Miri had lots of opportunities to help cook and make messes for GrammaBon. Here she is patting on the coating for pork chops.

A rogue turkey made a visit one morning.

There were lots of opportunities to run and play and just "be with the cousins." (What I love about this shot: kids running, jeans drying on the line, horses in the background, birdhouses and feeders everywhere.)

We also celebrated Sylvie's birthday -- Mmmmm. more cake!!

Quick shot of two fast-moving kiddos.

Photo ops.
Mom's favorite view....between a horse's ears, looking at that big red Jake-butt, with Daddy in the saddle, and a mountain road outstretched ahead.

Miles and miles of quiet.

Grandpa and Daddy made darling name signs from horse shoes for the girls' bunkbed. Grandpa also made a wonderful peeled-pole ladder for Aleaha to reach the top bunk. It was perfect! 

Daddy got in several nights of fishing - woohoo, fresh trout for breakfast!!

Moon rise over the pond.

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