Monday, July 16, 2012

Miri Loves to Frolic

With Aleaha spending time with family in EO, we had the unusual circumstance of only one kiddo over the weekend. We made visits to the Frolic on Friday and Saturday evenings, mainly to visit Pablo, aka Miri's Most Absolute Favorite Pony in the World.
She rode him last year at the Frolic pony rides.... and she did not stop talking about him all year. Every opportunity she got to name a new horsie, it was to be called "Pablo".

She talked Mommy into buying a new hat. Oh, what the heck - it matched her shirt. How long will they be this doggone cute?
Back again the next day, atop good ol' Pablo. (Yes, Mommy asked if he was for sale. No, he's not. It's probably a good thing, because I coulda walked him home right on the spot!)
She didn't have Aleaha to show her the ropes (literally) on the play structures, but she was rearin' to go anyway. Here she is, making headway up the Really Tall Climby Thing. It was lookin' good, for a moment....
...until she slipped.
So she started back up again.
But she made the mistake of looking down. And, like so many other things in life, if you look down, that's where you'll end up. She plummeted to the bottom again, and was DONE, thankyouverymuch, with that structure.

She spied one that had a more gradual climb, then a giant-ass relatively controlled, intentional slide back down. We didn't think she would do it, but by golly that brave little thing rode it out all by herself.

She's a character.
I had the lucky opportunity to see my cousin Jennifer, who was riding in a Cycle Oregon event where I volunteered at a break station. Very cool to catch up with her!

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