Sunday, December 28, 2014

Aleaha's New Room

On her Christmas list -- for the last 5 months! -- was a request to be allowed to move down into what we have always called The Playroom. We're not sure she's fully ready to be in there by herself, but she's quite excited. She got a new quilt and horse pillow and beanbag for Christmas, so she feels she's got everything she needs to hang out there on her own.

We'll see. :) 

Christmas with the Whole Fam-Damily!

On Christmas Morning, it was just us Millers. The girls knew not to arise or appear before 7:00am, and of course very shortly thereafter we were all up and at it. It was a nice time! Here the girls are sharing Aleaha's new big beanbag, while coloring on Miri's new Hello Kitty bag.

Aleaha was a helper with the spuds for dinner.

And when Gramma and Grandpa arrived, they got more time in the kitchen with GrammaBon making gingerbread cookies.

They loved that!

The next day, all the cousins and aunts and uncles arrived. Happy chaos ensued! The kids were at the proverbial kids' table...

...while we adults enjoyed a peaceful meal together.

And then we took repose in the library.

We are a big group when we are all together!

And it was a lot of fun!

Sylvie serenaded us with some songs on her violin.

And then Aleaha and Sylvie joined together for a duet of  We Three Kings. So lovely! 

And then it was presents time!! Holy Moly, that was something else! 

You can't imagine. 
You have no idea.
There's a learning curve, you know!
We are all L.B.S. (Lil' Bit Special!)

The next day, the cousins had a grand time just hangin' out. The boys were under Aleaha's sewing machine playing a game for a little while. The girls were all over the place having fun. It was very satisfying to see and know they are all making memories. 

That's what it's all about! 

Kelly and Mommy took a walk and then snapped a few selfies. Cuz that's what everyone does these days, eh?

Aunt Kelly almost gave the kids a run for their money on the trike.

But in the end, it was Hank and Aleaha who really showed us how it's done.

They had a blast.

And that really is what it's all about.

So, let's revisit the time.....

0 nosebleeds or cat pee accidents (quite notable, in my book)
1 lost cell phone
1 lost earring
1 almost lost shoe (on the roof)
1 broken glass (not bad!)
1 viewing of Christmas Vacation
1 trip to urgent care (all is fine, and it was not related to the broken glass)
1 ham
1 pork roast
1 early departure (weather-related)
1 found cell phone (hooray!)
2 coffee makers going constantly
2 nights of "musical beds"
2 trips to Trader Joe's
2 pounds of walnut fudge
2 pillow fights (maybe more?)
3 pounds of apples fed to animals
4 walks in the woods
5 pounds of spuds
6 bottles of booze
9 loads of dishes
9 pounds of kosher salt
18 pounds of prime rib
19 strands of outdoor Christmas lights
~50 gifts boxed, bagged, or wrapped, then unwrapped
1800 miles driven by families to be here together

And a good time was had by all! (we hope!)

Thank you, family, for coming to see us at Christmas. We love you all!

Christmas Eve

Stockings are hung in the Library with care....

As 2 little girls beg for presents!

They were especially agreeable in this moment.

All cute and ready for Santa.

Placing the baby Jesus in the Nativity Scene.

To remember the real reason for the season!

Playing and Prepping (for Christmas!)

The girls got out the Dance Game on the Wii and burned a little energy.

Miri gave a dramatic performance as Mary, the Mother of God (so she claimed).

Aleaha demonstrated how to waste a bunch of paper....a marble tunnel.

It goes in one end,

and comes out the other. That was good for a few minutes of fun (they were supposed to be cleaning the house!).

While on a walk, we caught an amazing rainbow!

It was so big we couldn't get it all in one shot. And it was a double-rainbow on one end!

They made a really nice banner to welcome the family. (Note Miri is wearing her Elsa dress - better get lots of use out of that before she grows out of it!)
Caught together in a nice moment of sharing - sharing the Slate (unusual behavior!!)

And then the Drama Llama realizes there's a photo op.

Getting Ready for Christmas

In the countdown to Christmas, there was much to do!
One night, they made a collection of special hot chocolate mix in jars to give away to teachers and family.

And they made tags for our gifts to family.

Another night they made sugar cookies (for Miri to take to school for a project).

In the meantime, JuicyBoy is on Santa Watch.

Keeping a vigilant eye out...

He really likes to ride Pablo and look out the window.

I don't think he wanted his picture taken.

Then another day we made gingerbread houses.

Construction began with the gluey frosting on the base.

Aleaha was All about the base....(ha  - like I'm so with it in my knowledge of current music) 

Meanwhile, Juice has given up on Santa and resumed his favorite sleeping position on Pablo.

Miri waits for the frosting to dry to move onto the next step.

Finally, it's time to decorate!

But Juice is still not going to help.

The girls made quick work of it.

Aleaha chipped in to help when things got a little sticky.

The final result was nice!