Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Kitchen Happenings

We had a quiet Thanksgiving, and even though we made all the usual stuff, we still had the hankerin' for more fun in the kitchen later that weekend. Here they are cutting in the shortening to the dry ingredients, as they made pumpkin scones.

Good teamwork.

Another day we had the gumption to make homemade noodles - for the Turkey Noodle Soup after Thanksgiving.

Miri's nickname as a baby was "Noodle", don't ya know.

So she practiced her Dip & Sweep method.

She's All About The Noodles.

In the meantime, at the other counter, Aleaha was making pumpkin bars (to use up the rest of the open can of pumpkin from the scones the day before).

When it came time for Miri to crack the eggs, she needed a little more practice.

She was a little tentative about the cracking part, so then had to pick the shell.

Back to Aleaha....she pours her pumpkin bar batter into her prepared pan.

After a little elbow grease from Mommy, the noodle dough was ready. But using Grammie's rolling pin is such fun, Miri wanted to keep at it.

And the cutting was fun too - for a moment. After about the 10th cut she was done and ready to move on to a different activity. "Mommy, I'm going to let you finish this, while I go play!"
Such is life!

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