Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Critter Update

Mommy opened the front door on Thanksgiving day, and was greeted by a Very Special Gift from Smokey....

A gopher! And it even had a grass root still in its teeth. How fresh! How special!
It really was lovely of him to contribute to our Thanksgiving Bounty. He's a thoughtful guy, that Smokey.

Everyone had special treats on Thanksgiving. Here Shorty, Teensie, and Weensie are enjoying the bumper crop of apples we have been collecting as they fall from the trees at the second pond.

What is it with organizing, boxes, and cats? Mommy was working to put things away, and Bearcat kept getting in the middle of it.

I had to intentionally leave a nice nesting area for Zinky (in her storage room).

This is Weensie's new trick - she puts her head through there in that same spot, every day, making it hard to safely pitchfork the hay into the feeder.

Ah, could this be the reason for her habit?

On a walk up to the forest, we spied a very interesting set of footprints. The one on the left is from Spiffy, and you can see the marks left by his toenails. He just barely missed stepping on the other two paw prints, which I think are from a bobcat (given their size, shape, and the telltale lack of toenail marks). Chris saw one hunting gophers in the hillside across from his office window earlier in the week! You better believe we are keeping a close eye in our kitties -- they are put into the garage every night.

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