Sunday, December 28, 2014

Getting Ready for Christmas

In the countdown to Christmas, there was much to do!
One night, they made a collection of special hot chocolate mix in jars to give away to teachers and family.

And they made tags for our gifts to family.

Another night they made sugar cookies (for Miri to take to school for a project).

In the meantime, JuicyBoy is on Santa Watch.

Keeping a vigilant eye out...

He really likes to ride Pablo and look out the window.

I don't think he wanted his picture taken.

Then another day we made gingerbread houses.

Construction began with the gluey frosting on the base.

Aleaha was All about the base....(ha  - like I'm so with it in my knowledge of current music) 

Meanwhile, Juice has given up on Santa and resumed his favorite sleeping position on Pablo.

Miri waits for the frosting to dry to move onto the next step.

Finally, it's time to decorate!

But Juice is still not going to help.

The girls made quick work of it.

Aleaha chipped in to help when things got a little sticky.

The final result was nice!

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