Sunday, December 28, 2014

Playing and Prepping (for Christmas!)

The girls got out the Dance Game on the Wii and burned a little energy.

Miri gave a dramatic performance as Mary, the Mother of God (so she claimed).

Aleaha demonstrated how to waste a bunch of paper....a marble tunnel.

It goes in one end,

and comes out the other. That was good for a few minutes of fun (they were supposed to be cleaning the house!).

While on a walk, we caught an amazing rainbow!

It was so big we couldn't get it all in one shot. And it was a double-rainbow on one end!

They made a really nice banner to welcome the family. (Note Miri is wearing her Elsa dress - better get lots of use out of that before she grows out of it!)
Caught together in a nice moment of sharing - sharing the Slate (unusual behavior!!)

And then the Drama Llama realizes there's a photo op.

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