Monday, June 16, 2014

A Special Time

As a part of her upcoming birthday, Miss Aleaha was allowed to get her ears pierced. This is a big deal. Many of us have to wait until we turn 10 years old - or older! As the mom, there were a few quivery last-minute feelings of questioning, but I knew she really wanted it. I managed to keep it a secret for a long time, and then even all the way there that afternoon she didn't know where we were going!

So she was a tad contemplative and nervous.

Miri held her hand, which was so sweet.

She liked the attention, of course.

But she was a little unsure of the procedure.

The actual piercing was no big deal at all. She was a champ!

First one in, and she's still excited!

Second one - no issues.

She was a brave, big girl, and she's been doing a great job on her hygiene. (We let her do this a few days early, so that she could finish the school year with pierced ears. Given that the actual birthday fell after school was out, she was a little bummed. So this made up for it in spades!)

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