Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Outing to Enchanted Forest

We carved out some time from our always-terribly-busy weekends to tkae a family break and have a picnic lunch and visit to the Enchanted Forest.

We picnicked at Willamette Valley Vineyards. The girls thought it was fun to pull the cooler up the hill.

Amazing view. Daddy and Mommy reminesced about our first anniversary, where we visited here and had a picnic.

Awful quality of shots, but it's nice to document that we actually did this stuff.

They ran around all the little vignettes with great joy.

Little Ol' Woman Who Lived in a Shoe

Happened to get one kid coming back from a slide while the other was about to go.

This was sort of ironic...Daddy was originally supposed to be at Woodburn racing on this weekend, but the transmission wasn't cooperating, so we were doing other things. As it turned out, he did still get a chance to "go racing" a form of electric car!

He took each kiddo around. They loved it!

(My hideous photography skills, coupled with a stupid camera, are killing me here...)

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