Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Welcome, piggies!

It was finally time to go get the new batch of pigs! We made some major changes this year, buidling an uber-pen that should work year-to-year. 

The girls were excited to paint the gate.

I made them wear old clothes, put their hair up, and wear gloves, but they really didn't make much of a mess. A bit of black paint on the concrete, but mostly it went where it was supposed to go. Whew!

We have to teach the little piggies to drink, so here they are filling up the temporary water buckets.

They both fell asleep in the pickup on the way home that evening. What a day!

As we began to unload the pigs, Smokey was on -the-spot to manage things.

He kept a very keen eye on them!

They seem to be adjusting very well to their new surroundings. We have a motion-detecting spinkler and motion-detecting light near their pen, to help ward off any curious coyotes who think they want free pork. But it won't be long before these guys are big enough to fend for themselves and the threat is lessened.

Bring on the bacon!

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