Monday, July 7, 2014

Escape Eastward!

This is how we vacation....

First, we pack up all our jeans, t-shirts, shorts, tank tops, skivvies, long socks, short socks, riding boots, tennis shoes, flip flops, and swimsuits. We find the "little TV" and all its cords and headphones, plus a few DVDs, plus some other jimcracks and activities for the trip. We put all of this stuff into duffle bags -- approx. 3 per person. We try to be extremely organized, so that we know where everything is.

Then we go to the grocery store and buy lots of good food plus road snacks (not-so-good food). Find all the coolers. We forget to buy ice, so we put that on the Last-Minute List. We gas the rigs, check the tires and oil.

Then we pack up most of our saddles, pads, bridles, lead ropes, assorted halters, fencing supplies, sweet feed, gobs of fly spray, and the ever-lovin' tub of Bute. Also hafta check to be sure we have fishing poles and tackle box. Fortunately, most of this is already in the horse trailer, so that part is an easy chore.

On the day of, we load up most of the horses, plus the dog. Then we spend all morning trying to get out of Dodge. Just getting to the freeway seems to take forever. Must make several stops to complete the Last-Minute List.

And finally, we are on the road with our load.

I might have to break this up in a few posts.

Stopped at Burger King before getting on the freeway. Must make sure nobody is hangry. (Cuz man, if they are...)

Immediately upon arrival, we went for a bug-catching walk.
And we sampled the wild strawberries!!

Jodi helped give some exercise to Arby. (She was a Godsend!)

And then we were in good shape for pony rides!

She asked to take him on a lone ride, to help remind him of his manners. WOW. What a difference this made. He was good as gold!
She took him down the road a spell, and it was the best thing for him.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, we had some serious chill-axin' to do.

And once properly rested, it was time for Daddy's first ride on his new mount, I Bee Quigly.

"He's a winner!"

In a later ride, Daddy was taking the all-appropriate selfie...

(Here's the shot he got.)

Lots and lots of riding.

It was awesome!!

Nice shot of the horses corrals and pasture.
Each day they would rest a bit. Arby was generally the appointed look-out while the other two snoozed.

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