Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Miss M Turns 5

Her sister was away visiting in EO, but we still managed to have a pretty good birthday.

She got a few things she really hoped for.

"A little make-up purse for my chapstick"

The karaoke CD for Frozen

So we listened and sang along on the way to school.
She tends to the dramatic, if you haven't noticed.

In the afternoon, she shared cupcakes with friends at school and blew out the infamous candles offered for kids in her Pre-K classroom. 

 Such a rite of passage! (Check out Aleaha in the same scenario)

Mommy got to hang out a little and see their afternoon routine. Here Teacher Richard leads the group in some yoga, including the Lion pose.

Back at home, Miri relaxes before dinner.

Her requested birthday dinner was tacos and lima beans. Go figure!

After dinner we went on a walk around the trails.

She's such a blossoming little girl. While out walking, her comments ranged from "I can't believe I turned five!" to "I really miss Aleaha".

We checked out the wild fruit trees we recently discovered. These plums are almost ripe!

But we needed to be sure to be back at the house for cake! (Ahem, this is from KFC. And to think that 4 years ago I was beating myself up for not making a homemade cake. Now we've stooped to Drive-Thru Cake! Ha, talk about relaxing the expectations... but it was just right for the three of us)

Ready for bed in her new princess nightgown.

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