Sunday, July 20, 2014

Life with One

With a large investment of much time (mainly driving), money (mainly for gas), and help from the family (in many ways!), both girls were able to have their "own time in Eastern Oregon" this summer. It was a big highlight for each of them, they really wanted it, and we hope they have many happy memories and lessons.

After the 4th of July, we had Aleaha stay behind first, similar to years' past. She spent most nights with Gramma & Grandpa in the mountains, but she was also invited to do things in town with her cousins, which of course she totally relished. Swimming at the pool was very much appreciated (we have never done that at home - for shame!).

Meanwhile, back at home, Miri was a pretty easy kiddo to have around. I was concerned she might not feel comfortable playing by herself and be begging for a playmate constantly. But that didn't happen. I think she really reveled in being" the only child"  for a little while -- TV remote to herself, games she wanted to play, etc.

She did a lot of dress-up and dramatic play, which is always her thing.

And she even slept well, despite being alone in the bedroom.

Meanwhile, in the mountains, Aleaha was being an important helper to Gramma in prepping for a big shindig they were going to be hosting the next weekend. She helped with dishes, which was a big deal to her, because it's done by hand (Mental parental note: Now she knows how, so it's time to put that skill to use at home!), as well as some deep cleaning that they were doing.

GrammaBon made a special clothesline that she could reach.

It was strangely quiet to have just Miri at home. She was very easy and played by herself. Of course, she was still going to school each day, so her routine in that way was same ol', same ol. But we sure missed Aleaha and looked forward to having her back.

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