Sunday, July 20, 2014

Kid Swapping (and Life with the Other One)

It just so happened that the weekend that Mommy would be traveling back over to EO to pick up Aleaha and drop off Miri in their individual-one-week adventures, GrammaBon and Grandpa were hosting a "Pickin' n Grinnin'" event up at the mountains. 

Aleaha was a super helper in the preparations that week with Gramma. She was also Uncle Chris' sous chef, as they catered the hamburgers and hot dogs for the crowd.

Uncle Chris manned the hot dog BBQ (which was a little tempermental), and he showed Aleaha how to take care of the burgers on its own BBQ.

He coached her on the proper technique...

... and then did the all-important developmental approach of stepping back and letting her go to it on her own. She LOVED it. 

(Honestly, I probably would have chickened out as the mother and not let her do it, but I'm so grateful he is who he is, because he was right there for safety but let her build her confidence in doing it herself. Just like a great coach does!)

Grandpa's main role that day was as a Picker. The music was really nice.

The food was great too. Lots of salads in the potluck - a favorite part.

Jodi had a cute idea for serving up the snacks.

The moonrise over the pond that night was breathtaking.

And Tuffy the cat reappeared at the cabin, after a three-week absence! We all thought for sure he was a goner. So good to have him back. He's a character, and very much lives up to his name.

When it was time to leave, I had Aleaha ready to go and was wistful about leaving Miri. But I was told she did great as the "only child" with Gramma & Grandpa in the mountains. She too got to have some time in town with her cousins and aunts & uncles (THANK YOU!!), and she got to have the enviable pool trips, for which we are very grateful.

Back in the Valley later that week, the wild yellow plum tree was ripe and ready to pick.

It took us two nights to get all the fruit, and it's now in the freezer, awaiting a big canning session. YUM

Aleaha wanted us to believe she was all about being the only kid. She was good during the day, staying home with Daddy while he worked in the shop. Doing her normal thing. (Yeah, I guess you could say meditating is one of those things.)

But it turns out that she really-really-really missed her sister, especially at night. She had trouble sleeping all by herself in the bedroom, and on one or more nights ended up with us. Which means she brings a blanket and Chestnut, because he sleeps wherever she sleeps.

When it was finally time for Miri to come home, Aleaha made her bed for her (Mommy's suggestion) and wrote her a lovely note (on her own accord).

"Miri, oh Miri, [quite contreery], I love you very much. Yes I love you to the moon and back, that's how much I care for you. Love, Aleaha" 

Uuuuuh, I was speechless. 

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