Monday, July 7, 2014

To town for the parade

We were headed into town early on parade day, and we had made plans to stop at a neighbor's house to pick up an extra horse, just to lighten their load a little (they were bringing 7 horses for the Mounted Band to ride, so we were happy to help). On the way, while came across this guy in the road.

It wasn't like he was all that menacing, but we had just watched PBR the night before. We know what they are capable of! So it was a smidgen uncomfortable to be out of the pick-up to knock on the door, with him swaggering up the driveway. (And yes, you can hear me explaining he's definitely a boy in the audio)

As we staged for the parade, we all promised we would not be there longer than we should.

Quigly was a total champ. Great boy with all the trains, giant flags, barking dogs, and whatnot. Like Chris said and Gramma knew, he's a winner!

The girls were ready for the parade!

We tightened cinches and sort of tuned up.

Aunt Jeannie took some amazing photos during the parade. Look at these cuties!

A bit pensive.

Mostly a ham.

Soooo much fun!

Yes, I'd like to keep doing this.

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