Monday, June 16, 2014

Birthday Party

Let her not complain that she didn't get a birthday party....we did it. She really wanted a horse-themed party. So that's how we rolled.

The cakes were not worked out until the morning of the party, but we eventually settled on two horses and a stack of hay bales. (Thank you, Pinterest, for the inspiration. Not much of our final deliverables are really pin-worthy in their looks. But I've come to the conclusion that if your stuff for a kids' party really looks as good as some of that stuff did online, then you weren't planning with the kids in mind. Because what they want is just plan ol' fun, not stuff that looks totally realistic or all matchy-matchy with pretty pastels....but I digress.)

Back to the party.

The weather held out, fortunately, so we could do things outside. We played Drop the Clothespin, Pin the Tail on Jake, and Guess How Many Horse Treats are in the Jar. Of course, we have no pics of that stuff, because we were in the process of having fun, not doing a photojournalism project.

But we did get some shots of the Pinata! Here, our friend Liam takes a well-aimed swing, after everyone had a chance with the blind-fold and we realized that uber-strong pinata was going to last all night if we didn't take other measures.


Note in this picture: Liam is still taking a great swing, just as the candy has already begun to drop and the children are scrambling to pick it up. Chris is in the background trying to have him stop swinging.

Chris' quip: "Poor pinata. It's lost its sole."


The highlight of the party was the photo op on Shorty! Each child got to sit on him and have their picture taken. He was a trouper, of course. And so was Quigly, who stood tied to a post nearby like a quiet buddy in the background. After the stint on Shorty, everyone flocked over to Quigly and gave him some loves. He was in heaven with that!

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