Sunday, November 23, 2014

Beachy Birthday

 We missed our summertime trip to the beach this year, so we finally made make-up plans by spending an overnighter there. It took so much work just to be ready for one night away (mainly laundry!). We pitched an extra ration to the animals and headed west. 

After a good seafood lunch we walked over to see the sea lions. (The candy shop was on the way, so you know we stopped there too!)

Then we simply HAD to head to the sand. Miri had forgotten to bring extra shoes, so we stopped at a farm store and picked up a pair of inexpensive mud boots (can't have too many of those where we live).

The sun was already setting, but the girls made quick work.

They wished for more shells,  and although the tide was out, there wasn't much along the sand.

They had a great time.

Aleaha had never been in a motel or hotel (Miri had, but not that she remembered), so everything was very novel. We did have a nice beach view, fortunately.  

In later reminiscing about their favorite parts, "watching TV" made the list. (Sheesh!) But they had never seen some of the crap we let them watch that night (Hank Hill.....not soon again!)

They loved it all.

"And even though we didn't have any toys, Mommy, we still had lots of fun!" (making a bridge across the beds)

Playing silly with their dad....

(this is a pretty regular thing at home, although maybe not to this extent) 

Oh, then there was THE POOL. What a treat.

Miri said the water was a little chilly.

Their 10 seconds of water ballet.

And then she said it was more than chilly.

So she opted out.

Back in the room there was more TV watching to be done.

The next morning, before departing for home, we took another romp to the beach.

A lovely "beach fairy godmother" offered to take a family picture. This was so lovely, as we rarely get pics with all 4 of us.

We could see from the restaurant's view that someone had scratched "Happy Bday" into the sand. So we made Daddy get over there for a photo op.

The wind was doing its usual thing, so we didn't last very long out there. 

Back at the ranch, the girls prepared his requested birthday dessert - Mini Cherry Cheesecakes. (Very easy...especially with all the "help")

They took turns with the egg beaters. (Don't you just love that old gizmo?)

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