Sunday, November 2, 2014

Got goat?

Recently Weensie the Goat was getting out of the pasture a lot, stepping through the electric fence to enjoy the long grass on the other side. One day, after retrieving her about 3 times, I gave up and let her spend the day outside the pasture. I knew she wouldn't go far, because her sister Teensie and MamaLlama won't go through the fence, and ultimately she doesn't want to go far from them. That night, as I was feeding the horses, I realized she really needed to go back in - it would have been dangerous to leave her out all night. Luckily Aleaha was able to help round her up and take her back. 

A friend brought some corn over that was a little past its prime for people. But it was perfect for goats!

Teensie loved it!


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