Sunday, November 2, 2014

Saying Goodbye to Nice Weather

Our dry weather and clear skies are ending. We won't see the moon like this again for many months. 

Huge moonrise in the east.

Love those colors.

Jake and Shorty, loving the green grass and dry ground.

We spent a little time trimming the berry vines back from the trail in the woods. (Halloween prep - more on that soon!) 

Miri was all about helping with the loppers.

Daddy has been catching gophers like crazy, and once we locked the animals out of the hillside pasture, we all chipped in to rake flat the mounds, so he could watch for new activity. (And it's paid off - he's caught 6 in about 10 days!

We scraped the barnyard on last time while things were dry, and then had gravel brought in.

Daddy smoothed it all out. Just in time... comes the change....

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