Sunday, November 23, 2014

Regular Everyweek Stuff

Miri and Mommy went for a walk recently to a new place.

She liked watching the water flow under the bridge (don't all kids?).

And standing on the giant rocks.

We made homemade bucatini pasta, on a whim, one Sunday afternoon.

And enjoyed it with a pork ragu -- oh yeah, baby.

Caught them together again.

Spiffy had a very bad bout of some bacteria, and he was finally pulling through it. (It was a close call - we are very grateful he made it!)

So he spent quite a bit of time in the barn, but soon felt well enough to jump up on the hay. That's how we knew he was probably going to be OK.

Miri and Mommy took a walk to the second pond one day. One old snag had fallen down. This was BEFORE the terrible ice and wind storm - we can't even navigate the upper trails right now due to the downed trees. It was really terrible.

The girls put on a show for us one night, and it somehow required use of Mommy's boots for the wardrobe.

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