Sunday, June 14, 2015

Aleaha's Birthday Party: Oodles of Noodles!

After much planning and a lot of complaining about all the cleaning up and organizing Mommy required, it was finally time for the party! It was a small group (6 kids all together), which was just right, as the theme was a "Cooking Party!"

We made homemade pasta, fruit skewers, and decorated cupcakes. What a whirlwind time!

The girls all listened intently as we reviewed the recipe.

None of the guests had ever made homemade pasta. But they got right into it!

Aleaha has a friend in her class who happens to have a little sister who is Miri's age. So Phoebe was a great companion for Miri throughout the party. The little girls used a special dough to make cavatelli, and they were amazing at this!

They immediately worked out a system and needed very little help. One would feed in the dough whlle the other cranked the handle. 

Wren was a master at getting her dough such a good texture.

She could roll hers super thin and long. She made awesome spaghetti!

So much fun!

Athena and Holly worked together and made a huge batch of fettucine. YUM!

Zelda and Aleaha were hard-working girls, literally cranking out beautiful pasta!

They found it was sometimes faster to work together on the same machine.

Everyone got in the act for the final batch. 

We made 6 pounds of pasta!

While the pasta dried, we turned out attention to making fruit skewers. Very fun!

And then it was time to enjoy the pasta! Some liked red sauce and meatballs and cheese, while others preferred good ol' plain, kid-style noodles with just butter.

They all declared it was definitely two-thumbs up!


And for the finale, it was time to decorate the cupcakes. Each girl had a small container and 7 cupcakes to decorate (6 to take home, and one to devour on the spot).

Such a great time!

Who can resist the chance to make cupcakes!?


Artistic AND tasty!

It was a fun party. We carb-loaded, and it was all wonderful.

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