Sunday, June 14, 2015

Pioneer Day for Aleaha

 Aleaha's class took a field trip to a nearby one-room school house for a day of history lessons. They were studying the pioneers, and everyone got into the spirit.

Aleaha and her friend Zelda looked the part!

Inside the schoolhouse, their teacher, Mrs. Tubbs, explained how the school days were spent for the children back then. Not easy to be a kid back then!

There was a wonderful woodworking demonstration too. The kids got to try their hand at all sorts of things.

So educational!

This was a great demo of how to make a shake (handmade shingle), using a "fro."

The kids show off their work.

Lunch was especially fun, as we planned it well. Aleaha insisted on authentic-style wrappings and trappings for everything.... so it was wax paper and a cloth napkin around our sandwiches. 

And she toted it all in a bucket.

In pioneer fashion, we enjoyed some baked beans.

And her favorite - homemade applesauce.

Then a snooze to enjoy the break!

Such a fun day.

They took a drawing lesson, 

and a spinning lesson. 

Very full and fun time!

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