Monday, June 1, 2015

Smokey, the Hunted and the Hunter

One afternoon recently, Mommy was sitting on the back deck with a couple of kitties, enjoying the quiet. All of the sudden, Smokey bolted up to the top of a tree, quick as a flash!

Turns out that there were two coyotes chasing him! They had come out of the nearby grass seed fields, thinking they'd get a little tasty cat for a snack. Suddenly, the hunter becomes the hunted! Not cool!

I chased the offensive little buggers off into the field with some choice words. They were so brazen! One had his front feet up the tree, ready to follow Smokey right up it! Smokey spent about 15 minutes in the tree, assessing whether or not it was safe to come down.

A few days later, he was recovered and bringing in the kills. This is a weasel! It's only a baby (my foot for comparison), but where there's baby weasels there are mommy weasels, and we don't like that. We have chickens, and they don't take kindly to chicken-killers!

Way to go, Smokey! 

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