Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Twenty Years and TOCTWD

This is Mommy's 20th year with HP. I just received my little pin in the mail the other day. I was truly amazed at this. It seems both an eternity and a blink. How can that be? 

And it was TOCTWD! In HP-acronym-speak, that means it was Take Our Children To Work Day!

Great turn out, and a great experience!

Last year, Aleaha just remembered walking around and getting a lot of candy. This year, she got to meet Bill and Dave! (OK, their cardboard cut-outs -- but my kid knows which one is which, and I'm proud of that!)

There were LOTS of things to do that were science-y. We loved that!

Aleaha asked if I had ever met Dion. No, but she can say she has (sorta).


Miri LOVED using the voltmeter to test the battery. "Just like Daddy does all the time!!" She verified it met the 9V criteria.

And using calipers was also a big hit!

Lunch was great - the kids got to pick out items to build their own boxed lunch. They ate like I haven't seen them eat lunch in a long time!

Decorating cookies was fun too, of course. 

We ended the visit with a stop at the pond to see the ducks.

Seeing the baby ducks was a special highlight. 

And it was a nice reminder of what this is all about....the big ones teaching and raising up the little ones right!

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