Monday, August 31, 2015

Swimming Lessons

Let's just be clear....these kids DID get swimming lessons this year. And they progressed. But their mother did NOT get good pictures.

We do have a little proof they played and had some fun in the sun, however....

We went out to lunch after the last lesson, to celebrate their achievements.

PRHS Class Reunion

Mommy and Daddy happened to have graduated from high school the same year, although not from the same place. We didn't attend Daddy's reunion, but we made up for it with Mommy's.

There were 14 of us, out of about 30, who made it to the dinner. It was truly a lovely time catching up and reminiscing. I am very glad I went to a small school.
We stayed in the mountains, so we got some extra visiting time with GrammaBon and Grampa. Bonus! 

The girls visited Spiffy too. We miss him, but now we are able to think about him and smile.

The turkeys are getting bigger! They visit several times a day.
While in PR, we visited the park so the kids could explore and blow off some energy. This is the same creek where Mommy used to explore.

We though making them sit in the "very back" on the way home was a brilliant idea, because we wouldn't be able to hear them as well. OH NO. They simply yammered on more loudly and were still as annoying as ever.


Whilst the children run amok and have fun, Mommy and Daddy panic about how to squeeze in all the work we need to do. Fortunately, Daddy is a git-'er-done type of guy.

He went to work on the barnyard, in preparation for the trailer we rented to dump up over the hill.

This was just a start.

And then once again -- just twice a year, really -- the stalls were all clean.

Around the Place

Juice still likes to ride things.

Can you spot JuicyCat in this shot?

Cheddar the Feral is much less feral these days, as he's come to associate those pesky humans with a steady source of food de cat - and sometimes he even gets a can all to himself!

And that causes him much joy. 
See, that picture above - that's Cheddar's face of Pure Joy.
(You should see him when he's grumpy!)

We had the threat of rain one day, but it didn't amount to anything besides a full sky of clouds.

And since it was sweltering hot, Mommy played Car Wash with the horses. They liked it!

And then Quigly went to roll and messed up his fine fur.

Silly boy.


Welcome to their New Doggie

Gramma & Grampa have a new family member!

Meet Charlie-Ella (aka Charlie). She's officially the Sweest. Doggie. Ever. 

She's very shy, and hopefully we haven't shocked her too much with the rambunctiousness of our family.

Quick Gramma & Grampa Visit

We were lucky to have a quick weekend visit from GrammaBon & Grampa. Gramma helped do some canning.

We made apricot jam and frozen green beans.

Holly came over too!

Miri poses with the final product.

GrammaBon helped get a great start to a deep clean on Miri's bedroom, but Miri had to be responsible for the final step of vacuuming. Can you see the exasperation? She was pretty worn out.

Although, she still had to do the regular chores too - including feeding the chickens and getting the eggs.

A farm kid just never gets a break. (HA)

Meanwhile, Aleaha was Helper #1 at the track, and Grandpa cheered from the stands!

Steam Up

Aleaha and Daddy attended the nearby Steam Up, to check out all the old-time engines and applications.

Here she is on our friend Jack's lovely old restored Farmall.

She wore a hat that matched Daddy's.

Fun souvenir - she had dog tags made with an authentic machine from yesteryear!

Shout Out to the Chickens

We just love our chickens. And we LOVE their eggs.

Look at how wonderfully those babies (woops - I mean, they are not fertilized....they are never going to become baby chickens!!) poach in the pan!

Chickens rock.

Together as Four, Again

When we were all back together, we got right into the work and fun we normally do. Above, Aleha and Miri helped Daddy transplant a special grafted apple tree that Aleaha requested for her birthday. It wasn't the best time of year to make such a change, but we think we are babying the tree with enough water to see it through.

We got back just in time to take in the HP Family Picnic this year. Obligatory foursome selfie!

We waited in line for about 40 minutes for 5 minutes on this bungee-jumping contraption.

And partway through their time, Miri's harness came undone. Took another minute to get the staff's attention for assistance.

For the first time, we were able to stay and enjoy the fireworks show. WOW, it was really something. Miri fell asleep about 5 minutes into it (ahem, see earlier posts - must be a growth spurt!). So we carried her to the car that night.

We got in a nice little trail ride one day.

Once again, Shorty proved he is The Best Thing Ever.

And we took in the Benton County Fair too! Above, a vendor made Spud Spirals. You gotta know we didn't pass those up! 

Daddy and Miri were in a bumper car together...

And Aleaha was all on her own.  She didn't have the most marvelous time, because she couldn't get moving easily.

We always love the carousel!

And the Dragon Train was a hit too.

But just being all together for our usual routine was the best. Here, Miri helps make Brown Sugar Bacon, one of our newest breakfast discoveries.

Miri's 2-on-1 Time (and Aleaha in EO)

Miri seemed to revert to a baby state (or perhaps a harbinger of teenage times to come), falling asleep many times a day. She was just tuckered out from all the activity with GrammaBon. She snuggled in a new-found place by the wood stove....

And in the recliner,,,,

And even in the bathtub!

Meanwhile, Aleaha was very busy! She was cooking,

watching wildlife in the yard,

and helping clean up loads and loads of garbage off the sides of the road. For this, she earned a nice sum of money, which she later used to buy a watch. Great time!