Monday, August 31, 2015

Kid Swap (and Multnomah Falls Visits)

It soon came the day to go pick up Miri and drop off Aleaha for her personal week with GrammaBon and Grampa. Along the way, we made a stop at Multnomah Falls (which we constantly strain to see as we drive by, but have never gotten to truly visit). Aleaha was THRILLED!

It was hard to get a good shot, but of you are familiar with the falls, you recognize the 2 parts in the background, with the footpath bridge too.

We didn't have a lot of time to dily-daly, but we did take a quick peek into the gift shop. Of course, when she spied the rocks, she didn't want to leave. Ever.

We eventually arrived in the mountains to meet Miri, who'd been having a wonderful time. She already looked different, just after one week.

It's hard to tell in the picture, but they were happy to be sleeping in the same bed again.

On the way back to the Valley, Miri entertained herself very well. 

And took private naps as needed.

And finally it was HER time to stop at Multnomah Falls!

What a lovely (if fast) trip!

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