Monday, August 31, 2015

PRHS Class Reunion

Mommy and Daddy happened to have graduated from high school the same year, although not from the same place. We didn't attend Daddy's reunion, but we made up for it with Mommy's.

There were 14 of us, out of about 30, who made it to the dinner. It was truly a lovely time catching up and reminiscing. I am very glad I went to a small school.
We stayed in the mountains, so we got some extra visiting time with GrammaBon and Grampa. Bonus! 

The girls visited Spiffy too. We miss him, but now we are able to think about him and smile.

The turkeys are getting bigger! They visit several times a day.
While in PR, we visited the park so the kids could explore and blow off some energy. This is the same creek where Mommy used to explore.

We though making them sit in the "very back" on the way home was a brilliant idea, because we wouldn't be able to hear them as well. OH NO. They simply yammered on more loudly and were still as annoying as ever.

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