Monday, August 31, 2015

Catching Up!

It has been a long time since I have posted. I didn't realize just how long until it dawned on me that if I don't post right now, I will completely miss any postings in the month of August. What the heck? How did the time get away like that?

Well, July was spent mainly ferrying the kids for their visits in EO with GrammaBon and Grampa. And then August was all about swimming lessons and getting ready for school. Oh, and a lot of chores in there too, of course. Summer is a very busy time -- we certainly enjoy the good weather and a chance to play in the longer light hours, but we also have to ensure our projects are done while the gettin' is good.

I've had some technical difficulty with photos on my phone, and I can't find all of them to post. But I'll get started. Cuz it's the last day of August and I'm half a summer behind!

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