Monday, August 31, 2015

Miri in EO

While Aleaha was home on her own with Mommy & Daddy, Miri was on an adventure with GrammaBon and Grampa in the mountains. She missed her family very much, but she had a grand time! (Pictures courtesy of GrammaBon, naturally)

Part of the time, cousin Hank was up there too. And guess what mischief they got into?! They found a set of baby bunnies. They caught two of them, gave one a bath, and then eventually had to set them free.

Another time, she helped GrammaBon with a Byrd School/Pioneer Museum project. Miri dutifully (and enthusiastically) wore her prairie dress and bonnet for this teaching opportunity. They showed kids how to grind coffee and wheat and make a few other things. (Aleaha was pretty envious that she missed that particular event, as it's right up her alley too.)

There was lots of dishwashing to be done. She knows that chores take more time when you don't have a dishwasher.

She and Hank made a marvelous mess upstairs one day, as they built a special fort with blankets.

It was a great and memorable week for them both.

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