Thursday, June 16, 2016

She's One Decade Now

The collage above represents 10 birthdays, from zero (the starting point!) to nine. Today we get to add the official #10 birthday!

There were several kids in her class with summer birthdays, all invited to bring treats just before the end of the school year. She didn't want anything "too special," and nothing with her name on it, but she was hoping for donuts. Mommy found an idea on Pinterest, going off the "10" theme.

Presents were opened in the morning, before the Last Day of School (!).

One requested item: A new hat!

Her menu selection: Shrimp, pasta, and broccolini, with an italian cream soda.

Her cake choice: Triple chocolate.

Smiley cutie-poo.

Happy 10th!

Tomorrow, we will get in our annual Birthday Ride!

Llama Update

This spring, we realized that MamaLlama would need some special attention. She hasn't been sheared in a few years, and her fur was badly matted and full of bits of hay and seeds.

She was shorn, and it was a little freakish to see all that fur on the ground!

And even a little more freaky to see the skinny little llama underneath all that! She is bouncing back, fortunately.

Silly Cats

Leave your car window down, and someone will enter. Fortunately, this was just Cinder, basking in the warmth.

Leave the garage door open, and BearCat will run for the laundry.

Smokey prefers to drive the tractor.

Cinder has good balance.

The Barn Kitty, aka Honeycomb, peers cautiously from inside the barn.

On the road above the house, there was an ominous watcher.

DANGER, ye kitties, for there's a hawk watching you!

Zinky, who is not so dinky, likes to commandeer Mommy's keyboard.

Cheddar, AKA Captain Cheesy, is a sweet guy who mainly stays in the bushes.

Give him a soft space, and BearCat will take it.

Orange cooler. Orange Cat. Does he think he's camouflaged?

Gray 4-wheeler seat. Gray cat.

Family Fun

Quick trip to the beach during Spring Break.

Quick enough to get our boots wet, and that was about it.

Playdate with Zelda.

Fort-building is always a good thing.

Introducing them to Shrinky-Dinks! Yay!

Oh yeah - and Easter was in there somewhere too.

Nice haul, kid. Remember to share the loot with your folks!

Wear them out well, we did.


Lots of biking!

Loved catching them doing something right....Aleaha, helping Miri with homework, at the barn.

Cuties for the Sock Hop.

Having a firepit night!


And toasting marshmallows!

More biking!

And some fun with old toys
(put them away, wait a few years, then bring them out again - it's all like new!)

Miss Aleaha Update

Aleaha wrote a lovely poem about Spring.

She led her conference at school, to tell us the things she's been learning.

She made a set of hand towels for the shop, using Mommy's serger.

Mommy helped chaperone the class on a field trip to the Stauffer-Will Farm near Portland. One of the stations the kids learned about was their kitchen. We were in love with their wood was a cold day, and it felt cozy to step into the kitchen to try out breadbaking.

Another station was in the barn, where they learned about the various saws that were used.

Yeah, you could say it's in her blood.

She was smokin' at the shake-makin' process.

And it turned out her fave was the kitchen.

Her love of animals is an important part of who she is.

In her school unit about the Oregon Trail, she was elected as a Wagonmaster and had to lead a group over the trail. For extra credit, she built a wagon to help tell their stories.

Over the winter, we met the requirements to get her licensed to race junior dragsters. We need to work this into our summer now! 

She begged for her "own" pets. We settled on fish (betas, for now). This is Stan.

And this is Phil. (or is this Stan?? Mommy can't keep 'em straight)

After an arduous registration process (that almost didn't happen), Aleaha is playing softball. 

And she's loving it!

She's learning to hustle-hustle-hustle.

She pitches...

... and catches...

...and can even slug 'em.

She listens well to her coaches, including Coach Daddy.

It's a pretty neat thing.

And we are proud of her for her work and accomplishments.

Speaking of work, check out this Mini-Me! She needed to dress up as an adult for a play.

And then there was the Spring Strings Concert. Here are Zelda and Aleaha before our line-up.

And Aleaha and Mommy too.

For the Strings party the following Monday, we made Musically Modified Milano cookies, with staffs for violins, violas, and cellos. Very fun! 

And riding, of course, is an integral part of her life, too.