Thursday, June 16, 2016

Miss Miri Update

If you know Miri, then you know she has a thing about fingernail polish. It's been banned from our house, but she manages to bring it into other forms of conversation and art.

Mommy chaperoned a First Grade trip to the Newport Aquarium. Here are Miri, Lydia, and Lillian.

They were quite the trio.

Miri recently learned how to make a ponytail in her own hair. Let me tell you, universe....this skill is right up there with learning to pump your legs while swinging and learning to tie your shoes. It's an essential milestone!

Cute, self-styled Daisy Mae.

And it was quickly followed by learning to braid, too!
Rockin' that ice cream smile.

And let's not short-shrift this all-important!

She was using training wheels for a while, and they were just getting in the way, making too much noise, and annoying her. Off with them! In about 90 seconds, she was rockin' the 2-wheeler on her own!

She begged for a ukulele. We agreed.

And the concerts have been wonderful!

Speaking of concerts, here she is, dolled up for her Spring Concert at school.

She in there. Having a super time!
Miri and Daddy, playing a video game in an arcade.

And just the other night, she lost another tooth!
She's really growing up.

She's just a cutie!

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